The Old Testament Handbook

Let's talk real talk about diving into the Bible because, let's be honest, it's like navigating a maze sometimes, right? Whether I'm in a Bible study or have heart to heart conversations with others, I've noticed a common theme: understanding the backstory behind scripture isn't always a walk in the park.

So, flashback to college where I took this Old Testament Survey course. Spoiler alert: it didn't exactly turn me into a biblical genius. Why? Because I'm more of a visual learner stuck in a textbook world. Fast forward to now, and I'm still on the hunt for Bible resources that actually speak my language and help have a greater understand of the power and depth that is found all throughout God's Word. Honestly, when I was younger the O.T. felt overwhelming so I found myself hanging out more in the New Testament. But those days are no more! I am hungry for all of it!

Cue "The Old Testament Handbook" that recently landed on my doorstep, courtesy of Frontgate Media. This handbook is nothing short of stunning, a visual feast guiding you through the pillars of our faith. Its beautiful layout serves as a roadmap for a deeper understanding, offering a magnifying glass on key outlines of each book. What sets it apart is the inclusion of word studies, infographics, and timelines that breathe life into the Old Testament's narratives. I wholeheartedly believe that these tools will be instrumental as you embark on your own exploration of the life-changing Word of God.

I am excited with anticipation of the impact this handbook will have on my daily communion with God. Because let's remember, the more we understand about God and His Word, the more we can walk this faith journey with God-confidence, strength and courage.

So here's to more "aha" moments, more laughter in the learning process, and to a deeper understanding, a fortified faith, and a richer connection with the heart of our Creator.

Let's do this!