Student Life Application Study Bible by Tyndale

Whether you are just beginning, or have been walking with God for many years, this Student Life Application Study Bible will give you fresh insight to the power of God's written Word He so beautifully gave us.

For starters, it's a filament bible. What is that, you ask? It's a Bible that comes with a downloadable app that will change how you study. We know for a fact that the Bible is breathing God's word right into your life, but what makes this Bible a phenomenal resource is that it creates an easy study tool so that you can take your daily reading to another level. You can go from reading scripture, to connecting with the back history behind the story, all while reading some encouraging articles that will bring it all into a greater understanding of what it is you're reading. I find, the more we understand what we are reading, the more we're able to actually apply it to our daily life. And better yet, the more we are able to share the love of God through His word to others.

The Student Life Application Study Bible in the New Living Translation will jump off the page and into your life with more than 27,000 on-page and in-app notes, over 350 maps, infographics, illustrations, and much more.

What does Tyndale say about this bible?

Last, but not least, one of the other hidden gems I've found in using this Bible (I happen to have 2 Filament Bibles) is has breakdown topics all throughout the Bible that answer questions many of us have thought from time to time, like the following:

  • As long as I'm a good person, won't I be fine in the end?

  • How is reading the Bible different from reading any other book?

  • What does it mean that Jesus died for the atonement of sin?

  • Why is it so hard not to sin? Is being tempted as bad as actually sinning?

  • And many more....

Check it out today and grab a copy!