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Unveiled Living

Empowering women to live life unveiled in the freedom that God gave us.

Summer E-Mag 2024

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Summer 2024

Unveiled Living Logo


Who We Are.

Unveiled Living is a vibrant community for women who fiercely love Jesus, wrestle with real-life challenges, and embrace the messy yet beautiful journey of faith. Our mission is deeply rooted in the words of

2 Corinthians 3:16-19, where the veil is lifted as we turn to the Lord, revealing His freedom and

transforming us into reflections of His glory.

We are passionate about creating a space where faith meets real life. Our stories of redemption resonate with the beats of our hearts, and together, we navigate the highs and lows, sharing in each other's victories and supporting one another through life's challenges. This is a place where authenticity thrives, faith is deepened, and God's love shines brightly in every way.

At Unveiled Living, we draw inspiration from the red poppy, a symbol in our logo. Red poppies flourish in adversity, thriving in soil that has endured difficulty. They remind us that beauty often emerges from hardship. Just like the poppy, our faith grows and blossoms through life's trials, showcasing the resilience and grace God provides.

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Everything we do here is with you in mind. Welcome to Living Life Unveiled.


Heart Talk with Tracee & Janice
Catch our video podcast on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts—perfect for your daily drive or when you just need a real pick-me-up! We dive into everyday life with chats about overcoming giants, growing in faith, and lots of joy and laughter along the way. Honest convos, inspiring interviews, and maybe a blooper or two—keeping it real and fun!

Pursue Worship
Looking to connect with God on a deeper level? Add our original worship music to your YouTube playlist. Whether you’re in the car, at home, or taking a walk, these songs are here to help you press in, worship, and draw closer to His heart. We believe worship should be an experience, and we’re excited to share that journey with you.

Get a glimpse into the heart of people's stories through Notes—a visual storytelling experience. Through powerful photography and short videos, we capture the essence of individual lives, giving you a window into their unique journeys. These stories are like notes: brief, yet deeply meaningful, offering a raw and authentic look at the human experience. Each one is crafted to remind you of the beauty in everyday life.


Join us, subscribe, and let’s grow together in faith, worship, and fun!

*Media Production provided by Brite Light Media.


Host: Tracee Padilla & Janice Conyers

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Original Worship by Tracee & Edwin Padilla


Visual Storytelling

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No Make Up, No Filter:
You Are Still God's Masterpiece

Heart Talk Podcast: Every 2nd Tuesday of every month

YouTube, Apple & Spotify Podcast

In this month's episode, Tracee gets real about beauty and those moments when we don’t feel like we measure up. If you’ve ever stood in front of the mirror with no makeup and messy hair thinking, 'I’m not enough,' this episode is for you. God’s truth is different—He calls you fearfully and wonderfully made. Tracee unpacks Psalm 139, shares her personal journey, and offers five truths straight from God’s Word. Plus, download the free PDF to remind you daily that you are God’s masterpiece.

Image by Allef Vinicius

Living Life Unveiled

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

I Corinthians 3:16-19

Digital Magazine

Unveiled Living E-Mag is a space where faith intersects with real life, inviting you to dive into the raw, unfiltered beauty of God’s redeeming love. Each quarterly edition offers courage to be vulnerable, strength to face struggles, and the joy of living authentically in His grace. Through shared stories of redemption, struggles, and triumphs, we create an atmosphere of growth and inspiration, discovering our similarities and walking this journey together. Join us in this life-changing adventure, embracing the true beauty of living life unveiled in the freedom God has given us.

For more detailed information about our E-Mag - click here.

Behind Unveiled Living

Tracee Padilla

Tracee Padilla

Visionary & Founder

Tracee Padilla
Janice Conyers

Janice Conyers

Communications Manager

Janice Conyers

The team and writers behind Unveiled Living.

red poppies in a field video.jpg

What others are saying.

What is God up to??! Excited to see. Unveiled Living Ministry is genuine and so grounded in the Word and Spirit of Christ. Thank you for all of the blood, sweat and tears you have sown to birth this beautiful ministry tool for women. Love the e-magazine and your videos.

Carmen C.

Join Our Community

This is the best way to stay connected with us.

Never miss the latest launch of our digital magazine, podcasts, blogs, bible studies, and more!

Starting this September!!

Stay in the loop with Unveiled Connect!

Each week, receive curated updates on our latest studies, podcasts, blogs, and more, all designed to inspire and enrich your faith journey.


Don’t miss out on the heart of Unveiled Living—

get connected with us!

Welcome to Our Community!

Subcribe to Our Youtube Channel

HopeStyle & Co.

HopeStyle & Co Store - Unveiled Living

Join us on
Facebook & Instagram

We’re not just another social media site throwing random posts your way. At Unveiled Living, we dive into monthly themes like our Courageous Faith series we just wrapped up, and get ready for our upcoming From Broken to Brave study this Fall. We’re all about daily inspiration to fuel your walk with God.

Why Follow Us? 

  • Daily dose of encouragement and spiritual boost.

  • Monthly Study Focuses: Dive deep with us into powerful themes that resonate.

  • Weekly Blogs.

  • Podcast Updates!

  • Exclusive Flipbook Bible Studies: Available for purchase, these are perfect for group studies or your personal devotional time.

  • Everything we do at Unveiled Living we use our platforms to keep you informed and inspired.

  • And so much more....

But wait, there’s more! You absolutely can’t miss our Monday Morning Joy Post—featuring the hilarious trio Bertha, Bessie, and Myrtle. If you haven’t met them yet...well, you’re in for a treat. Trust us, you’ll want to tune in for a good laugh and a joyful start to your week!

So, what are you waiting for?


Come join the fun, be inspired, and connect with a community that’s all about living life unveiled. Head over to our social media today and be part of something amazing!

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
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Unveiled Blog

Brite Light Media

Unveiled Living Heart Talk, Tapestry, & Pursue Worship

produced by Edwin F. Padilla - Brite Light Media


Notes - Short Journal Stories is the latest production from Brite Light Media - Check it out here.

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